After 2.0 release, Miguel de Icaza reflects on Mono's past and future

After 2.0 release, Miguel de Icaza reflects on Mono's past and future

Few free and open source software projects have attracted such a range of reactions as Mono. On one hand, as an implementation of Microsoft's .Net that's sponsored by Novell, it has been vilified both for the company it keeps and as a possible source of patent claims, should Microsoft choose to get nasty. On the other hand, Mono has been the platform of choice for such major projects as Second Life, which uses it to increase the efficiency of its servers. This week, as the Mono project reached version 2.0, Miguel de Icaza, the project's founder and maintainer, talked with about the history of the project, its application and the criticism leveled at it, and where the project goes from here.

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