Fedora 10 a Solid Linux Choice for Workstations, Development Servers

Fedora 10 a Solid Linux Choice for Workstations, Development Servers

The latest version of Fedora, the Linux-based operating system, gives users a peek at what they can expect to see in future Linux distributions from Red Hat and other vendors. Fedora 10 offers a broad security framework and new audit capabilities, and gives Linux enthusiasts a good way to upgrade from Fedora 9. However, those who use the Linux-based OS shouldn't expect any support from Red Hat.
- Fedora 10 is the latest version of the community-supported, Linux-based operating system that serves as the proving ground for future Red Hat software products. As a result, Fedora offers organizations and individuals early access to the state of the art in the Linux and open-source world. 

Using pam_mount to automount filesystems at login

Using pam_mount to automount filesystems at login

Vincent Danen introduces the automounter, pam_mount, which can take a password entered at login and use it to mount an encrypted filesystem. It can also mount non-encrypted filesystems. This allows for mounting a filesystem at login, and having it unmount at logout. by Vincent Danen

How To Configure Apache To Use Radius For Two-Factor Authentication On Ubuntu

How To Configure Apache To Use Radius For Two-Factor Authentication On Ubuntu

How To Configure Apache To Use Radius For Two-Factor Authentication On Ubuntu

This document describes how to add WiKID two-factor authentication to Apache 2.x using mod_auth_radius on Ubuntu 8.1. A previous article described how to add two factor authentication to apache on Fedora. Interestingly, a patch has been created to update mod_auth_radius to work with Apache 2.2+, however, it has only been updated for Debian and Ubuntu. For Fedora and other RedHat flavors of Linux, it is recommended that you use mod_auth_xradius.