GameLayers gets on track with Ruby on Rails

Read More: GameLayers gets on track with Ruby on Rails

GameLayers' Passively Multiplayer Online Game (PMOG), which allows users to immerse themselves in a virtual world of adventures, challenges, and intrigue, has been picking up traction thanks in part to its robust open source framework. Underpinning the popular online game is Ruby on Rails, a full-stack framework for developing database-backed Web applications that works with a variety of Web servers and databases.

Oracle Adds Data-integrity Code To Linux Kernel

Read More: Oracle Adds Data-integrity Code To Linux Kernel

"ZDNet is reporting that Oracle has added code to the Linux kernel for ensuring data integrity. The code has been developed in partnership with Emulex and was recently accepted into the 2.6.27 kernel release." According to the article, "The code adds metadata to data at rest or in transit, to monitor whether that data has been corrupted. It helps make sure that I/O operations are valid by looking at that metadata — which acts as verification information — exchanged during data transmissions."

Eliminate privilege access security holes

How tight is your privilege access security?

Close the security gaps in high-privilege access control and authentication by selecting the right security products for the job. This whitepaper details how.

Not all security products are created equally. EMA outlines how to find products that offer strong shared access management, better control and clear visibility and multifactor authentication.

Discover products that are easy to deploy and offer a wide range of security, compliance, operational and business risk benefits.
Click here to learn more.

Fedora 10 a Solid Linux Choice for Workstations, Development Servers

Fedora 10 a Solid Linux Choice for Workstations, Development Servers

The latest version of Fedora, the Linux-based operating system, gives users a peek at what they can expect to see in future Linux distributions from Red Hat and other vendors. Fedora 10 offers a broad security framework and new audit capabilities, and gives Linux enthusiasts a good way to upgrade from Fedora 9. However, those who use the Linux-based OS shouldn't expect any support from Red Hat.
- Fedora 10 is the latest version of the community-supported, Linux-based operating system that serves as the proving ground for future Red Hat software products. As a result, Fedora offers organizations and individuals early access to the state of the art in the Linux and open-source world. 

Using pam_mount to automount filesystems at login

Using pam_mount to automount filesystems at login

Vincent Danen introduces the automounter, pam_mount, which can take a password entered at login and use it to mount an encrypted filesystem. It can also mount non-encrypted filesystems. This allows for mounting a filesystem at login, and having it unmount at logout. by Vincent Danen

How To Configure Apache To Use Radius For Two-Factor Authentication On Ubuntu

How To Configure Apache To Use Radius For Two-Factor Authentication On Ubuntu

How To Configure Apache To Use Radius For Two-Factor Authentication On Ubuntu

This document describes how to add WiKID two-factor authentication to Apache 2.x using mod_auth_radius on Ubuntu 8.1. A previous article described how to add two factor authentication to apache on Fedora. Interestingly, a patch has been created to update mod_auth_radius to work with Apache 2.2+, however, it has only been updated for Debian and Ubuntu. For Fedora and other RedHat flavors of Linux, it is recommended that you use mod_auth_xradius.